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Chef Johns Specialty Menu

Try some of Chef Johns Specialty dishes. Something different with a culinary twist from all regions of the world and infused into one great dish. Menu is updated as the season changes.

Pasta Seca Con Jitomate, Chorizo y Crema

This was an award winning dish on SA Live while Chef John was competing in school. This dish is infused with a Italian look but with a Latin flavor. Using Fettuccine pasta, fresh ancho chili, Kiolbassa chorizo, fresh tomato , garlic and freshly made crema. Will give your taste buds a wild ride with infused flavors.

Smoked Salmon

Chef Johns Slowly smoked and brine Salmon will give you a diffrent outlook on eating salmon. Salmon is in a special brine for over 2 hours then is carefully seasoned and smoked to perfection.

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